If you’re an immigrant with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), you can qualify for California tax credits. Free Tax Prep LA can help you apply for an ITIN and has IRS-certified tax preparers who can file your taxes for free. The tax rebates that are available to ITIN holders are:

  • Child Tax Credit (CTC): If you file with an ITIN but your child(ren) has a social security number, you qualify for the CTC.

  • California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)

  • Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)

  • California Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC)

Book an appointment to apply for an ITIN at FreeTaxPrepLA.org at no cost to you.

An ITIN is a number the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gives to workers who don’t have and aren’t eligible for a Social Security number. To get an ITIN, you’ll need to fill out the IRS Form W-7 (Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). Interested in applying for an ITIN? Click here to see what to bring to your tax preparation appointment.

As things change, we want to ensure LA County residents have all the information they need to stay informed. We recommend checking out the Immigrant Legal Resource Center’s Red Cards and the LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs Know Your Rights resources.

Make a free appointment to apply for an ITIN at FreeTaxPrepLA.org today.